Royal dynasties of Spain

Royal dynasties of Spain

The rule of different dynasties had an important impact on the economic, spiritual and political development of Spain. The most famous families that ruled this country are Habsburgs and Bourbons. During their rule, Madrid and the whole Spain were affected by numerous wars, reforms, alliances and collapses. The changes of this age were fundamental.
The Habsburgs ruled Spain for a very long time – since 1516 (the beginning of rule of Carlos I) to 1700 (the death of Carlos II).

The beginning of their reign was marked by the great cultural rise, which was called “the Golden Age of Spain”. Many directions of art, such as national painting, architecture and literature, were actively developing. At that time, Spain was the homeland of such famous artists as El Greco, Diego Velazquez, Miguel de Cervantes, Pedro Calderon and Francisco Suárez. It was the birth and development of the Spanish empire. At that time, Spain possessed many lands, including South America, East Indies, modern Italy and Portugal. During the first half of the reign of Habsburgs, Spain reached the status of the most powerful country in Europe. However, the period of the rule of the late representatives of dynasty was not the best time for the country. The second half of the XVII century can be easily called “the downfall of Spanish empire”. This period was characterized by numerous uprisings against Spain and endless wars. The last ruler Carlos II has devastated the economy of Spain owing to corruption. Once powerful state fell into decline.
After the Habsburgs, the power passed to Bourbons. The rule of this dynasty is rightly regarded as the flourishing of Spanish culture. The first ruler of the Bourbon dynasty, Philip V (1700-1724), saw Madrid not in the best condition. However, later the monarch has changed the city beyond recognition. Due to the numerous construction and architectural works, the capital of Spain started to coordinate with the European fashion and the modern tastes. Madrid looked much more luxurious and elegant. During the rule of Bourbons, the city turned into the real architectural pearl. Many majestic buildings, famous and popular among the tourists, were built in those times. They include: Palacio Real (the Royal Palace), Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande (The Royal Basilica of San Francisco el Grande), Basílica Pontificia de San Miguel (Basilica San Miguel). The Bourbons also took care of the landscape design of Madrid. They build such famous attractions as Real Jardin Botanico (Royal Botanic Gardens), exquisite Parque del Retiro de Madrid (Retiro Park, or “rest park”) and one of the most famous museums in the world Museo Nacional del Prado (Prado Museum).
The Habsburgs and Bourbons have greatly contributed to the economic, political and spiritual life of Spain. Due to their rule, we know and see Spain as beautiful and prosperous country as it is. The tourists can order the excursions to the Madrid of Habsburgs and Bourbons, reflecting different period of the city’s development.